You’ve read their books, maybe you’ve met their characters, but have you ever wanted to talk to your storytellers? I have, and now I am seeking them out. Welcome to my new series of interviews, where I will introduce you to creative minds that you may not have not met anywhere else. I will hold conversations with them that are not recorded on book jackets or marketing promotions. This is where I will try to follow the trails of written language, into the hands of living people.
While I am meeting and getting to know the work of these new authors, keep an eye on my “Author Spotlights.” I am borrowing time from some amazing minds, and interviewing them with depth and focus. I will ask them questions that you may have wanted to ask, if you could. I want to find out about their stories, their inspiration, and about them, personally. You will be fascinated to read the authors all over again, as they help me to uncover themselves piece by piece. I think you will agree that they are all stories of their own, worth telling and reading.
I am a writer, and so every writer I meet is a new friend. I welcome you, also, into my home with us. Come in, see who is in the Spotlight, and listen to the makers of worlds.